This is INKLA
INKLA stands for international knowledge and quality from one source
We offer you proven quality in the organization of project-development, production, delivery, installation and after-sales service for new components, machines, custom-made products and spare parts in the following branches and markets:
Production capacity and flexible support
INKLA defines size in terms of the correct and necessary ratio between relevant production capacity and flexible support. The independence guarantees the objectivity and best approach for the respective product.
Our branches
INKLA – energy of trading & engineering
INKLA is an internationally active and networked company, specializing in the trading, development and organization of complete and detailed industrial component solutions. For over 50 years, renowned clients have been relying on our professional expertise in the trading and engineering of industrial and machine components.
No project is the same as another – we develop individual solutions that are customized to meet our customers’ specific needs.
Knowledge and know-how transfer between the East and West
You particularly benefit from our experience in the knowledge and know-how transfer between the East and West. We combine regional requirements with international standards – a quality of essential importance in project management. In project planning, as well as in handling and servicing, we have access to a pool of international experts and suppliers, enabling you to directly access their services and knowledge by sole communication through one of our reliable contact persons. Our headquarters are optimally networked with our regional offices and provide the necessary channels for ongoing communication between the suppliers and customers.
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